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Literature and politics of family in Seventeenth-Century England
星级: 246 页
Conspiracy and Virtue Women Writing and Politics in Seventeenth Century England
星级: 397 页
Prophecy and the politics of authority in seventeenth-century revolutionary Britain.
星级: 364 页
Population Fall in Seventeenth Century Anatolia Some Findings for the Districts of Canik and Bozok
星级: 15 页
Aristotle's Politics and the Problem of Male Rule in the Family
星级: 19 页
0521810825 Literature and Utopian Politics in Seventeenth Century England Apr 2002
星级: 270 页
literature and the politics of family in seventeenth-century england feb 2007
星级: 246 页
A Nation of Change and Continuity Radical Politics, Religion and Literature in Seventeenth-Century England, Christopher Hill. R
星级: 2 页
Seventeenth century changes in the social status of merchants and the right social
星级: 46 页