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- Cross-Border Insurance in Europe: Challenges for Supervision
- Introduction
- Methodology and data
- Table 1
- Figure 2Overview for France.Note: GWP for “other” foreign subsidiaries or branches is estimated.Source: EIOPA statistical annex, OECD Insurance Statistics, Helsinki list, U.S.
- Figure 1Transforming insurance statistics into domestic and cross-border data.Note: The data variables are illustrated in bold and the sources in normal letters.
- Cross-border insurance in Europe
- Table 2
- Table 3
- Figure 3Number of foreign-controlled subsidiaries as percentage of national enterprises.Note: National enterprises are split into foreign-controlled subsidiaries and home enterprises.Source: EIOPA statistical annex, OECD Insurance Statistics, Helsinki lis
- Figure 4Total insurance activity by number of branches in the EU (as a per cent).Note: Foreign branches as percentage of total number of national enterprises and foreign branches.Source: EIOPA statistical annex, OECD Insurance Statistics, Helsinki list, U
- Table 4
- Figure 5Degree of foreign penetration of European insurance markets (per cent of total GWP).Note: GWP from foreign subsidiaries and foreign branches is added together and divided by total GWP in order to arrive at the degree of foreign penetration for eac
- Table 5
- Internationalisation of large insurance companies
- Figure 6Insurance: Origin of cross-border activity.Note: This graph represents the origin of cross-border GWP as a percentage of total GWP and makes a split in EU/non-EU branches and subsidiaries.
- Figure 7Cross-border state of banks and insurers in EU countries.Note: This graph represents the degree of foreign penetration in countries from the EU for both banking and insurance.
- Table 6
- Figure 8Geographical segmentation of top 25 insurers in Europe.Note: This figure shows the geographical segmentation of the 25 biggest European insurance companies for the years 2000–2012.
- Table 7
- Figure 9Comparison of internationalisation of top 20 insurers across continents.Note: This graph shows the difference in the degree of internationalisation between Europe, North America and Asia.
- Table 8
- Table 9
- Supervisory challenges
- Conclusions
- Part of this research was done at EIOPA in Frankfurt. Jan Sass was at Duisenberg School of Finance at which he conducted this research and is now consultant at Oliver Wyman. The authors would like to thank Sandra Desson and her team for their support and
- About the Authors
- A9