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- 目录
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施密特国际政治思想 - The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt
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卡尔施密特Carl Schmitt政治学著作代表作品思想评述Political Theology And The Theology Of Politics Carl Schmitt And Medieval Christ
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Odysseos&Petito - The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt英文原版政治学教材教程电子书电子版下载
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卡尔施密特Carl Schmitt政治学著作代表作品思想评述Carl Schmitt And The Paradox Of Liberal Democracy英文电子版下载
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- Book Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Contributors
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction: The international political thought of Carl Schmitt
- Part I: Carl Schmitt’s heterodox international thought
- Part II: The crisis of order (nomos) in the post-9/11 era
- 4 Global terrorism and the state of permanent exception: The significance of Carl Schmitt’s thought today
- 5 Partisan warfare, terrorism and the problem of a new nomos of the earth
- 6 War, violence and the displacement of the political
- 7 Crossing the line?: Carl Schmitt on the ‘spaceless universalism’ of cosmopolitanism and the War on Terror
- Part III: Searching for a new nomos of the earth
- 8 Carl Schmitt’s warning on the dangers of a unipolar world
- 9 The re-emerging notion of Empire and the influence of Carl Schmitt’s thought
- 10 Against world unity: Carl Schmitt and the Western-centric and liberal global order
- 11 The evolution of European Union law and Carl Schmitt’s theory of the nomos of Europe
- Part IV: Critical rereadings of Carl Schmitt’s international thought
- Index