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Accelerated Filtering using OpenCL
星级: 15 页
Free Radical Generation Assays New Methodology for Accelerated
星级: 13 页
Direct – Indirect Speech - Make a free website with a free
星级: 18 页
A new scheme for identifying free surface particles in improved SPH
星级: 10 页
PANORMUS-SPH. A new Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics solver for incompressible flows
星级: 11 页
A new scheme for identifying free surface particles in improved SPH
星级: 10 页
OpenCL-based acceleration of SPH method in free surface flow simulation
星级: 6 页
A new 3D parallel SPH scheme for free surface flows
星级: 15 页
A New Field Theory of Imagination- free wake-up with the physical and chemical rescue
星级: 22 页