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Block matching based background generation and non rigid shape tracking for video surveillance
星级: 24 页
星级: 38 页
shape context a new descriptor for shape matching and object recognition
星级: 7 页
Shape Context A new descriptor for shape matching and ob ject recognition[精选PDF]
星级: 7 页
Shape Context A New Descriptor for Shape Matching and Object Recognition[精选PDF]
星级: 7 页
Shape Context A New Descriptor for Shape Matching and Object Recognition[精编]
星级: 7 页
Hybrid shape descriptor and meta similarity generation for non-rigid and partial 3D model retrieval
星级: 30 页
A Gromov-Hausdorff Framework with Diffusion Geometry for Topologically-Robust Non-rigid Shape Matching
星级: 21 页
Efficient descriptor for full and partial shape matching
星级: 23 页