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- Book Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Contributors
- Notes on the text
- Introduction: “Gramsci now”
- 1 Gramsci’s concept of political organization
- 2 Reading Gramsci now
- 3 Sinking roots: Using Gramsci in contemporary Britain
- 4 Gramsci and Labriola: Philology, philosophy of praxis
- 5 “Once again on the organic capacities of the working class”: Antonio Gramsci as a theorist of labor
- 6 Power and democracy: Gramsci and hegemony in America
- 7 Pessimism of the intelligence, optimism of the will: Reflections on political agency in the age of “empire”
- 8 Gramsci, in and on media
- 9 Common sense in Gramsci
- 10 The contemporary relevance of Gramsci’s views on Italy’s “Southern question”
- 11 Rethinking Gramsci: Class, globalization, and historical bloc
- 12 Antonio Gramsci’s theory of the “national-popular” and socialist revolution in the Philippines
- Works cited
- Index