- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
The Language of Love Poetry
星级: 11 页
manuscript verse collectors and the politics of anti courtly love poetry
星级: 317 页
The Poetry of Politics Australian Aboriginal Verse - BWWP 08indd
星级: 53 页
Anglo-Norman Poetry and the Concept of Courtly Love
星级: 21 页
The art of courtly love
星级: 1 页
Joshua Eckhardt-Manuscript Verse Collectors and the Politics of Anti-Courtly Love Poetry-Oxford University Press, USA (2009)
星级: 317 页
A Probe into the Purport and Application of the Verse of Love Application of the Verse of Love
星级: 18 页
People, poetry and politics-the novels of Don Bannister
星级: 10 页
God, Humanity, and Love in the Poetry of Rūmī
星级: 9 页
- Contents
- List of Abbreviations and Conventions
- 1. The Literary and Political Activity of Manuscript Verse Collectors
- 2. The Politics of Courtly and Anti-Courtly Love Poetry in the Hands of Collectors
- 3. ‘Love-song weeds, and Satyrique thornes’: Anti-Courtly Love Poetry and Somerset Libels
- 4. The Spanish Match and the History of Sexuality
- 5. Verse Collectors and Buckingham’s Assassination
- Epilogue: Redeploying Anti-Courtly Love Poetry Against the Protectorate
- Appendix 1: Selected Verse Texts
- Appendix 2: Manuscript Descriptions
- Index of Manuscripts Cited
- List of Printed Works Cited
- General Index