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The Urinary SystemThetheThetheThetheThetheThetheThetheThetheThetheThethe
星级: 79 页
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星级: 25 页
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The Attributive Clause BybyThethebyThethebyThethebyThethebyThethebyThethebyThethebyThethebyThethe
星级: 21 页
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星级: 1 页
- Half-title
- Series-title
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contents
- Maps, tables and figures
- Acknowledgements
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Introducing euergetism: questions, definitions and data
- Chapter 2: The size and nature of gifts
- Chapter 3: The icing on the cake?
- Chapter 4: The concentration of wealth and power
- Chapter 5: The politics of public generosity
- Chapter 6: Giving for a return: generosity and legitimation
- Epilogue: The decline of civic munificence
- Appendix 1: List of source references for the benefactions assembled in the database
- Appendix 2: Capital sums for foundations in the Roman east (c. i–iii ad)
- Appendix 3 Public buildings, distributions, and games and festivals per century (N = 399)
- Bibliography
- Index