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- 目录
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- 书签
Education and the Politics of Technology Pedagogies for Critical ---
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Constructivist pedagogies of religious education project Re-thinking knowledge, teaching and learning in religious education
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Constructivist pedagogies of religious education project Re-thinking knowledge, teaching and learning in religious education
星级: 13 页
Revolutionary Pedagogies Cultural Politics, Education, and Discourse of Theory英文原版政治学教材教程电子书电子版下载
星级: 385 页
The cultural politics of constructivist pedagogies Teacher education reform in the United Republic of Tanzania
星级: 9 页
For the theory of cultural patterns Reform of China's vocational education
星级: 13 页
Multi-cultural era of ideological and political education theory
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Ideological and Political Education Theory of Cultural Studies Review
星级: 18 页
Multiple Intelligences Theory of multi-cultural background of ideological and political education of the Enlightenment
星级: 19 页
- Contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- List of Abbreviations
- Notes on Contributors
- Introduction: Aid and Sovereignty
- 1. Negotiating Aid
- 2. Aid-Recipient Sovereignty in Historical Context
- 3. Understanding Contemporary Aid Relationships
- 4. Botswana: The African Success Story
- 5. Ethiopia: Retaining Sovereignty in Aid Relations
- 6. Rwanda: Milking the Cow. Creating Policy Space in Spite of Aid Dependence
- 7. Ghana: Breaking Out of Aid Dependence? Economic and Political Barriers to Ownership
- 8. Mali: Patterns and Limits of Donor-Driven Ownership
- 9. Mozambique: Contested Sovereignty? The Dilemmas of Aid Dependence
- 10. Tanzania: A Genuine Case of Recipient Leadership in the Aid System?
- 11. Zambia: Back to the Future?
- 12. Aid and Power: A Comparative Analysis of the Country Studies
- Conclusion: Changing Conditions?
- Index