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USA The March of Unreason Science Democracy and the New Fundamentalism May 2005
星级: 317 页
The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs Fundamentalism and the Fear of Truth牛津大学Oxford University Press
星级: 293 页
Oxford The March of Unreason by Dick Taverne
星级: 317 页
The Emergence of a New Turkey Democracy and the AK Parti
星级: 3 页
Science and Democracy - Specification of Merton's social background of the study_0
星级: 18 页
Science and Democracy - Specification of Merton's social background of the study
星级: 18 页
the new oxford world history 新牛津世界史
星级: 11 页
Theory and Practice of China's socialist democracy the new progress
星级: 25 页
Innovating Democracy牛津大学Oxford University Press
星级: 326 页