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星级: 2 页
Projects in progress
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- Book Cover
- Half-Title
- Series-Title
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contents
- Preface
- 1. Introduction: The United States and world history
- 2. The Pan-British world in the late eighteenth century
- 3. The Pan-British world in the age of revolution
- 4. Industrialization and the remaking of the world, 1750–1900
- 5. The global rise of corporations
- 6. Raw materials and sustaining the global economy
- 7. The United States and Atlantic migration
- 8. The United States and Latin America
- 9. The United States and the Pacific
- 10. The United States and the world, 1945–2005
- Epilogue: Toward the future
- Conclusion
- Index