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- Book Cover
- Half Title
- Series Title
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Contributors
- Preface
- 1. Language, History and Language and History
- 2. The End of Linear Narrative?: Reflections on the Historiography of English
- 3. History and Comparative Philology
- 4. Word-Stories: Etymology as History
- 5. Language: Object or Event?: The Integration of Language and Life
- 6. Indeterminacy of Meaning and Semantic Change
- 7. On the Cusp: Antoine Meillet as a Sociologist of Language
- 8. ‘The Grammatical Being Called a Nation: ’History and the Construction of Political and Linguistic Nationalism
- 9. How to Make History with Words
- 10. Talking About What Happened
- 11. Part of the Meaning/History of Euro: Integrational Corpus Linguistics
- 12. Language and Prehistory
- 13. Bridges to History: Biomechanical Constraints in Language
- References
- Index