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effect of cadmium, zinc, copper and fluoranthene on soil acteria
星级: 14 页
Effect of metallothionein core promoter region polymorphism on cadmium, zinc and copper levels in autopsy kidney tissues from a
星级: 4 页
Zinc-metallothionein protects from DNA damage induced by radiation better than glutathione and copper- or cadmium-metallothionei
星级: 6 页
Concentrations of cadmium, zinc, copper, iron, and metallothionein in liver and kidney of nonhuman primates
星级: 17 页
Zinc-andor cadmium-induced intestinal metallothionein and copper metabolism in adult rats
星级: 7 页
Oxidative Stress Induced by Cadmium in the C6 Cell Line Role of Copper and Zinc
星级: 10 页
In vivo and ex vivo displacement of zinc from metallothionein by cadmium and by mercury
星级: 16 页
Cadmium, zinc and copper in horse kidney metallothionein
星级: 10 页
Pregnancy-induced mobilization of copper and zinc bound to renal metallothionein in cadmium-loaded rats
星级: 12 页