- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
星级: 7 页
星级: 15 页
星级: 19 页
星级: 20 页
星级: 9 页
星级: 24 页
星级: 22 页
星级: 23 页
星级: 18 页
- Important Notices and Disclaimers
- Additional Important Notices and Disclaimers
- Chapter 1 Administration
- Chapter 2 Referenced Publications
- Chapter 3 Definitions
- Chapter 4 General Requirements
- 4.1 Acceptance of Equipment and Systems.
- 4.2 LP-Gas Odorization.
- 4.3 Notification of Installations.
- 4.4 Qualification of Personnel.
- 4.5 Ammonia Contamination.
- 4.6 Minimum Requirements.
- 4.7 Portable Fire Extinguisher.
- 4.8 Fire Resistance Rating.
- 4.9 Noncombustible Material.
- 4.10 Emergency Remote Shutdown Devices.
- Chapter 5 LP-Gas Equipment and Appliances
- 5.1 Scope.
- 5.2 Containers.
- 5.3 Reserved.
- 5.4 Reserved.
- 5.5 Reserved.
- 5.6 Containers with Attached Supports.
- 5.7 Reserved.
- 5.8 Reserved.
- 5.9 Container Appurtenances.
- 5.10 Regulators and Regulator Vents.
- 5.11 Piping (Including Hose), Fittings, and Valves.
- 5.12 Reserved.
- 5.13 Internal Valves. (Reserved)
- 5.14 Reserved.
- 5.15 Valves Other Than Container Valves.
- 5.16 Hydrostatic Relief Valves.
- 5.17 Reserved.
- 5.18 Reserved.
- 5.19 Reserved.
- 5.20 Reserved.
- 5.21 Equipment.
- 5.22 Reserved.
- 5.23 Reserved.
- 5.24 Appliances.
- 5.25 Vaporizers, Tank Heaters, Vaporizing Burners, and Gas-Air Mixers.
- 5.26 Reserved.
- 5.27 Reserved.
- 5.28 Vehicle Fuel Dispensers.
- Chapter 6 Installation of LP-Gas Systems
- 6.1 Scope.
- 6.2 Location of Containers.
- 6.3 Location of Containers Not Connected for Use.
- 6.4 Container Separation Distances.
- 6.5 Other Container Location Requirements.
- 6.6 Installation of Containers with Attached Supports.
- 6.7 Location of Transfer Operations.
- 6.8 Installation of Containers.
- 6.9 Installation of Container Appurtenances.
- 6.10 Regulators.
- 6.11 Piping Systems.
- 6.12 Remote Shutoff Actuation.
- 6.13 Internal Valves.
- 6.14 Excess-Flow Protection.
- 6.15 Emergency Shutoff Valves.
- 6.16 Hydrostatic Relief Valve Installation.
- 6.17 Testing New or Modified Piping Systems.
- 6.18 Leak Check for Vapor Systems.
- 6.19 Installation in Areas of Heavy Snowfall.
- 6.20 Corrosion Protection.
- 6.21 Equipment Installation.
- 6.22 Bulk Plant and Industrial Plant LP-Gas Systems.
- 6.23 LP-Gas Systems in Buildings or on Building Roofs or Exterior Balconies.
- 6.24 Installation of Appliances Other Than on Vehicles.
- 6.25 Vaporizer Installation.
- 6.26 Ignition Source Control.
- 6.27 LP-Gas Systems on Vehicles (Other Than Engine Fuel Systems).
- 6.28 Vehicle Fuel Dispenser and Dispensing Systems.
- 6.29 Containers for Stationary Engines.
- 6.30 Fire Protection.
- 6.31 Alternative Provisions for Installation of ASME Containers.
- Chapter 7 LP-Gas Transfer
- Chapter 8 Storage of Cylinders Awaiting Use, Resale, or Exchange
- Chapter 9 Vehicular Transportation of LP-Gas
- 9.1 Scope.
- 9.2 Electrical Requirements.
- 9.3 Transportation in Portable Containers.
- 9.4 Transportation in Cargo Tank Vehicles.
- 9.5 Trailers, Semitrailers, and Movable Fuel Storage Tenders, Including Farm Carts.
- 9.6 Transportation of Stationary Containers to and from Point of Installation.
- 9.7 Parking and Garaging Vehicles Used to Carry LP-Gas Cargo.
- Chapter 10 Buildings or Structures Housing LP-Gas Distribution Facilities
- Chapter 11 Engine Fuel Systems
- 11.1 Scope.
- 11.2 Training.
- 11.3 Containers.
- 11.4 Container Appurtenances.
- 11.5 Quantity of LP-Gas in Engine Fuel Containers.
- 11.6 Carburetion Equipment.
- 11.7 Piping, Hose, and Fittings.
- 11.8 Installation of Containers and Container Appurtenances.
- 11.9 Installation in Interior of Vehicles.
- 11.10 Pipe and Hose Installation.
- 11.11 Industrial (and Forklift) Trucks Powered by LP-Gas.
- 11.12 General Provisions for Vehicles Having Engines Mounted on ThemWith Engines (Including Floor Maintenance Machines).
- 11.13 Engine Installation Other Than on Vehicles.
- 11.14 Garaging of Vehicles.
- Chapter 12 Motor Vehicles Intended for On-Road Use or Designed to Transport Passengers and Are Fueled by LP-Gas
- 12.1 Scope.
- 12.2 Installation of Components and Systems.
- 12.3 ASME Containers, Materials, and Equipment.
- 12.4 LP-Gas Fuel Systems.
- 12.5 Electrical Installation.
- 12.6 Installation of Pipe, Tubing, and Hose.
- 12.7 Protection of Pipe, Tube, and Hose.
- 12.8 Testing of Piping, Tubing, Hose, and Fittings.
- 12.9 LP-Gas Liquid and Vapor Injectors.
- 12.10 Fuel Rails and Distribution Blocks.
- 12.11 Vaporizer/Regulator Systems.
- 12.12 Fuel Lockoffs.
- 12.13 Servicing, Parking, and Display of Vehicles Indoors.
- 12.14 Commissioning Vehicles.
- Chapter 13 Refrigerated Containers
- 13.1 Construction and Design of Refrigerated Containers.
- 13.2 Marking on Refrigerated LP-Gas Containers.
- 13.3 Container Installation.
- 13.4 Refrigerated LP-Gas Container Instruments and Controls.
- 13.5 Refrigerated LP-Gas Container Impoundment.
- 13.6 Inspection and Testing of Refrigerated LP-Gas Containers and Systems.
- 13.7 Container Siting.
- 13.8 Relief Devices.
- Chapter 14 Marine Shipping and Receiving
- Chapter 15 Operations and Maintenance
- Chapter 16 Mobile Food Facilities
- 16.1 Scope.
- 16.2 Containers.
- 16.3 Installation of LP-Gas Containers and Container Appurtenances.
- 16.4 Additional Requirements for Installation of Cylinders and Portable ASME Containers.
- 16.5 Installation of Pressure Relief Discharge Systems.
- 16.6 Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings.
- 16.7 Appliances for Use in Mobile Food Facilities.
- 16.8 Training.
- 16.9 Parking, Servicing, and Repair.
- 16.10 Transportation and Storage of Containers.
- 16.11 Operational Testing.
- Chapter 17 Pipe and Tubing Sizing Tables
- Annex A Explanatory Material
- Annex B Properties of LP-Gases
- Annex C Design, Construction, and Requalification of DOT (ICC) Cylinders
- Annex D Design of ASME and API-ASME Containers
- Annex E Pressure Relief Devices
- Annex F Liquid Volume Tables, Computations, and Graphs
- Annex G Wall Thickness of Copper Tubing
- Annex H Procedure for Torch Fire and Hose Stream Testing of Thermal Insulating Systems for LP-Gas Containers
- Annex I Container Spacing
- Annex J Sample Ordinance Adopting NFPA 58
- Annex K Burial and Corrosion Protection for Underground and Mounded ASME Containers
- Annex L Suggested Methods of Checking for Leakage
- Annex M Suggested Container Purging Procedure
- Annex N Informational References