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Adaptive Chip-Level Channel Estimation for IMT-DS System DL and UL
星级: 23 页
Effective Scheme of Channel Tracking and Estimation for Mobile WiMAX DL-PUSC System
星级: 10 页
A System on a Programmable Chip Architecture for Data-Dependent Superimposed Training Channel Estimation
星级: 11 页
Channel Estimation for Powerline MC-CDMA System
星级: 5 页
Large-System Analysis of Joint Channel and Data Estimation for MIMO DS-CDMA Systems
星级: 50 页
Large-System Analysis of Joint Channel and Data Estimation for MIMO DS-CDMA Systems
星级: 49 页
effective scheme of channel tracking and estimation for mobile wimax dl-pusc system
星级: 10 页
Joint Iterative Channel Estimation and Soft-Chip Combining for a Mimo MC-CDMA Antijam System
星级: 10 页
High-level Estimation and Exploration of Reliability for Multi-Processor System-on-Chip
星级: 210 页