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- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
Stories of Peoplehood The Politics and Morals of Political Membership (Contemporary Political Theory)
星级: 250 页
Stories of Peoplehood The Politics and Morals of Political Membership
星级: 250 页
0521813034 Stories of Peoplehood The Politics and Morals of Political Membership (Contemporary Political Theory)
星级: 250 页
The Politics of Meaning and the Meaning of Politics
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On the political change and political life of daily life - Analysis of high ideological and political course of the philosophy o
星级: 8 页
On the rural development of democratic politics - and the democratic political reform on rural China
星级: 77 页
Of socialist democratic politics political civilization and the rule of law
星级: 22 页
Off politics and political civilization- the development of China's political philosophy for thinking
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Political Civilization of the political consultation system - China consultative politics history and logic
星级: 33 页
- Cover
- Contents
- Introduction : Populism and the mirror of democracy / Francisco Panizza
- 1. Populism : what's in a name? / Ernesto Laclau
- 2. The "end of politics" and the challenge of right-wing populism / Chantal Mouffe
- 3. Populism as an internal periphery of democratic politics / Benjamin Arditi
- 4. Skinhead conservatism : a failed populist project / Oscar Reyes
- 5. Constitutive violence and the nationalist imaginary : the making of "the people" in Palestine and "former Yugoslavia" / Glenn Bowman
- 6. From founding violence to political hegemony : the conservative populism of George Wallace / Joseph Lowndes
- 7. Populism and the New Right in English Canada / David Laycock
- 8. Populism or popular democracy? : the UDF, workerism, and the struggle for radical democracy in South Africa / David Howarth
- 9. Religion and populism in contemporary Greece / Yannis Stavrakakis
- 10. The discursive continuities of the Menemist rupture / Sebastian Barros
- Notes
- Bibliography
- List of contributors
- Index