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Fine Mapping of the Blast Resistance Gene Pi15, Linked to Pii,
星级: 7 页
Development of Dominant Rice Blast Pi-ta Resistance Gene Markers
星级: 5 页
development of dominant rice blast pi-ta resistance gene markers
星级: 5 页
Identification of microsatellite markers linked to leaf rust resistance gene
星级: 7 页
Identification and validation of molecular markers linked to the leaf rust resistance gene
星级: 10 页
Development and validation of microsatellite markers linked to the rice blast resistance gene
星级: 8 页
Diagnostic value of molecular markers linked to the eyespot resistance gene
星级: 9 页
Fine mapping and identification of tightly linked DNA markers of blast resistance gene
星级: 8 页
Identification of markers linked to the race Ug99 effective stem rust resistance gene
星级: 9 页