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Into the sensory world - Ambiances
星级: 2 页
Ambiances David Le Breton
星级: 3 页
Ambiances Mikkel Bille Luminous atmospheres
星级: 10 页
Residual Ambiances-An Illustration of Urban heritage as a Sentient Experience
星级: 6 页
The backstage of urban ambiances When atmospheres pervade everyday experience
星级: 8 页
Microdefects and electrical uniformity of InP annealed in phosphorus and iron phosphide ambiances
星级: 7 页
The role of ambiances and aesthetics on millennials’ museum visiting behavior_Hyowon Hyun
星级: 17 页
2nd International Congress on Ambiances - cca.qc.ca
星级: 1 页
On the human ability to discriminate audio ambiances from similar locations of an urban environment
星级: 9 页